Simultaneously young and old, hot and cold, Iceland is a mass of contradictions. Nestled near the Arctic Circle yet warmed by the Gulf Stream, its ports never freeze, yet glaciers drape majestically over volcanos, valleys, fjords, and shorelines. And water – liquid water – is everywhere, falling, bubbling, steaming, spouting, and fueling the country’s 100% renewable energy grid. Come name one of the many unnamed waterfalls that thunder off cliffs. (Perhaps Thorskeggfoss, Thor’s Beard?) Join the nation’s passionate ice cream lovers for a licorice-and-chocolate cone. And be inspired by a nation of avid readers who believe you really can have it all.

Windstar Knows the Way to Iceland
Remote villages, pristine waterways, tiny islands covered in eider ducks, Arctic terns, and other seabirds. These are just a few reasons why Iceland is best seen on a Windstar ship. We take you places most cruise ships can’t go: to narrow fjords, islands where puffins outnumber people, and deep into an interior filled with waterfalls, geysers, ice caverns, volcanoes, and alfhol (elf houses). And while most cruises take you to just one or two ports in Iceland, on Windstar you can visit half a dozen, as well as spectacular Pingvellir National Park.
Circumnavigate Iceland
Circumnavigate Iceland
Windstar’s Around Iceland cruise sets off on a complete circumnavigation of one of the most diverse and dramatic island nations on earth. You’ll set foot in tiny villages dating back to the 8th century, you’ll hear the sagas of the original Viking settlers, and you’ll marvel at the natural wonders that each port offers. All while on the lookout for humpback whales and Atlantic puffins. Once ashore you’ll have the chance to meet the Icelandic horse, hike to waterfalls, soak in thermal baths, take a culinary adventure, see black sand beaches, hike on the Berserkjahraun lava field, and watch wildlife.

Around Iceland

Port to port
Reykjavik to Reykjavik
7 Days
All-Inclusive From?
Cruise Only From?

Around Iceland: A Total Solar Eclipse

Port to port
Reykjavik to Reykjavik
7 Days
Call for
SPECIAL AVAILABLE Comprehensive Iceland Cruise Tour

Comprehensive Iceland Cruise Tour

Port to port
Reykjavik to Reykjavik
10 Days
All-Inclusive From?
Cruise Only From?
SPECIAL AVAILABLE Star Collector: Endless Days of the North Sea & Iceland

Star Collector: Endless Days of the North Sea & Iceland

Port to port
Leith (Edinburgh), United Kingdom to Reykjavik
18 Days
All-Inclusive From?
Cruise Only From?
SPECIAL AVAILABLE Star Collector: North Atlantic Explorer

Star Collector: North Atlantic Explorer

Port to port
Reykjavik to Montreal
21 Days
All-Inclusive From?
Cruise Only From?